Website - Fourth Iteration 😁
So, I have iterated on this site around four times now. Each time I tried to delete unnecessary components. I took the plunge to completely re-architect the entire back end. So, one thing has stayed the same and that is the Ghost Content Managment System. I love it and it's not going away.
What I really wanted to do is reduce my total cost to run the website and I had a Raspberry Pi lying around doing nothing. The ARM chip on was just lying there idle for years. It's a Raspberry Pi 2 so its ancient. There is no chance in hell I thought it was going to run node.js. Anyways, I had to crank up the swap memory to 2 Gib for it to work with the node.js and Ghost CMS and to my shock it worked. The processor is not doing much work until it has to sever a request but generally its handling the traffic just fine and only for a few cents.
I just love that an old Raspberry Pi 2 can be used as a blog server. Everyone should have one.
I will explain in more detail in another post other backend changes that I made.